
Showing posts from November, 2023

Coursework: Preliminary exercise feedback and LR

1) Type up your teacher's feedback   in full  plus a summary of the comments you received from other students in the class. There are some excellent elements to this – the shot perfectly captures the ‘bedroom hacker’ character you’ve created and the performance is strong. The sudden light works really well to introduce the character initially and the reaction is natural and effective. The email shot is fine but on screen too long. I wonder if you could mix it up a bit by cutting in on a particular line or words – ‘criminal record’, ‘we will not be able to…’ The biggest issue here is that you are close to half the length of the coursework (1.21) and there are only really two shots I can credit (one of which being the email). The coding shot is not original so can’t be awarded marks – you’ll need to change this for the real production. The green colour grading and slightly closer shot afterwards works well but it’s fundamentally the same shot to the opening. Your preliminary brief co